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Culross is a historical gem, a town that time has passed by and the most complete example in Scotland today of a Burgh of the 17th and 18th centuries.

Several locations in the town appear in series one and two. In season one the Palace Garden was used as the herb garden of Castle Leoch. The Mercat Cross stands in for village of Cranesmuir and is where the little boy had his ear pinned to the Tron. This is where Geillis gets brutally carried up to be burned as a witch. The Study building is Geillis Duncan's House. The Palace Withdrawing Room was used at Geillis’s withdrawing room and there is a famous shot of Claire standing holding a goblet looking out at Cranesmuir.

In season two The Palace Courtyard and main stairway was used as a village encampment where Claire pulls the tooth from a Scottish woman and Murtagh waits on Jamie finishing a meeting with Prince Charles. The Palace High Hall was used for the Jacobite meeting where Jamie swears his oath to Prince Charlie. The Palace’s Kings Room was used as Jamie and Claire’s bedroom while visiting a village. The Palace’s Kitchen and Pantry was used as a tavern and the Bennet House was used as the outside of the tavern.

More information on Culross

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